
Thursday, December 11, 2014

Me and the Mosquitoes

Around dusk, especially inland where there is standing water and along Cayman’s canal front communities, the mosquitoes can be a little tough to handle!  If you are like me that is always right about the time I am outside in my summer kitchen preparing dinner! Solution theories for the pesky creatures abound, with just about as many opinions regarding effectiveness. Here is a look at a few “solution” options:

The Mosquito 'Cognito® dispenser emits Conceal™ inhibitor that has a unique "scent blocking" ability. This is not a repellent, but rather an inhibitor that binds to the insect's olfactory receptors and blocks their ability to smell people and animals. If they cannot track your scent, they cannot get close enough to see you. If they cannot see you, they cannot bite you. Hmmmmmmm…..

Install a bat house! Cayman Islands bats are a valuable natural resource. They control our mosquitoes, moths, beetles and other insects that can become crop and garden pests. They pollinate many native plants, and they drop seeds throughout our woodlands that help keep our forests healthy and beautiful. Yet, due to lack of information, many people have killed bats and destroyed their habitats in the belief that these beneficial native animals are "vermin."

Bats are not related to rats and mice. They are not even in the rodent family. Bats will not chew wood or wires or make their own entry holes into buildings. They do not invade human food stores. They do not have litters, but bear only one pup per year in the late spring or summer. Bats here carry no diseases and are not a danger to pets or people.

The Cayman Islands have nine species of bats, some eat mosquitoes, some eat nectar and pollen, and some eat fruit.

For more information on installing a bat house contact the National Trust for the Cayman Islands

Many consumer products claim to attract, repel or kill mosquitoes. Most of these devices do not appreciably reduce mosquito abundance or incidence of bites, or else are unproven. Electrocuting devices or “Bug zappers”, using ultraviolet light as an attractant, are generally ineffective in reducing outdoor populations of mosquitoes or their biting activity. Studies indicate that mosquitoes make up only a tiny percentage of the insects captures in such traps. The majority are moths, beetles, and other harmless night flying insects.

Advertisements for portable electronic devices that use high-frequency ultrasonic sound routinely appear in magazines and claim to keep mosquitoes and other pests at bay. Some supposedly repel mosquitoes by mimicking the wing beat frequency of a hungry dragonfly. Scientific studies have repeatedly shown these devices to be of negligible benefit in deterring mosquitoes and reducing bites. Companies that market such devices with unsubstantiated claims have been told to cease and desist by consumer protection agencies but others continue to appear hoping that consumers will buy them. Save your money, these devices seldom, if ever, provide any measure of relief.

Citronella oil does have mosquito repelling properties and the scented candles can provide a degree of protection. For maximum effect, use multiple candles placed close (within a few feet) of where people are sitting. A single candle at the centre or edge of a dinner table probably won’t provide much benefit other than atmosphere. Mosquito repellent plants like garlic and other oft-advertised botanical generally are ineffective.

In reality. The best way to deal with those pesky mosquitoes at dusk is to remove yourself from the menu whilst they are on the prowl. Phantom Screens, which furl away into a hidden recess in your ceiling are the most effective way to enjoy the indoor/outdoor experience without full-time dedicated screens. If planned for at design the look is very streamlined and the remote operated systems are quick and quiet to use.

Large spans or arched openings are no problem, just make sure that you plan for an egress from these screened spaces.

One of our clients swears by his Big Ass Haiku Fans, which he has placed above his outdoor seating areas – on high speed the fan render the air in these areas as too difficult for mosquitoes to navigate. Beautiful fans with multiple purposes!!